MB214: Neuronal Physiology and Plasticity
Classic papers and related
The squid and its giant nerve fibre: Part 1 The squid and its giant nerve fibre: Part 2 Parallel conductance model, Hodgkin & Huxley, J. Physiology, 1952 Eccles, Hodgkin & Huxley Nobel lectures, 1963 Rall's cable theory Quantal analysis, del Castillo and Katz, J. Physiology, 1954 Residual calcium hypothesis, Katz and Miledi, J. Physiology, 1968 Bernard Katz's Nobel lecture, 1970 Presynaptic calcium current, Llinas et al., Biophys. J., 1981 Patch clamp recording, Hamill et al., Pflugers archives, 1981 Neher and Sakmann Nobel lectures, 1991 Roderick MacKinnon's Nobel lecture, 2003 Fast prepotentials, Spencer and Kandel, J. Neurophys., 1961 Hippocampal intradendritic recordings, Wong et al., PNAS, 1979 Purkinje cell dendrites, Llinas and Sugimori, J. Physiology, 1980 Intrinsic properties review, Llinas, Science, 1988 Somatic & dendritic patch-clamping, Stuart et al., Pflugers Archive, 1993 Action potential backpropagation, Stuart and Sakmann, Nature, 1994 Nobel prizes in nerve signaling Nature methods focus on fluorescence imaging Classic paper on HM by Scoville and Milner, 1957 New York Times Obituary for H.M., an unforgettable amnesiac The LTP paper by Bliss and Lomo in J. Physiology, 1973 The Legacy of Donald Hebb The BCM rule, 1982
The squid and its giant nerve fibre: Part 1 The squid and its giant nerve fibre: Part 2 Parallel conductance model, Hodgkin & Huxley, J. Physiology, 1952 Eccles, Hodgkin & Huxley Nobel lectures, 1963 Rall's cable theory Quantal analysis, del Castillo and Katz, J. Physiology, 1954 Residual calcium hypothesis, Katz and Miledi, J. Physiology, 1968 Bernard Katz's Nobel lecture, 1970 Presynaptic calcium current, Llinas et al., Biophys. J., 1981 Patch clamp recording, Hamill et al., Pflugers archives, 1981 Neher and Sakmann Nobel lectures, 1991 Roderick MacKinnon's Nobel lecture, 2003
Fast prepotentials, Spencer and Kandel, J. Neurophys., 1961 Hippocampal intradendritic recordings, Wong et al., PNAS, 1979 Purkinje cell dendrites, Llinas and Sugimori, J. Physiology, 1980 Intrinsic properties review, Llinas, Science, 1988 Somatic & dendritic patch-clamping, Stuart et al., Pflugers Archive, 1993 Action potential backpropagation, Stuart and Sakmann, Nature, 1994 Nobel prizes in nerve signaling Nature methods focus on fluorescence imaging
Classic paper on HM by Scoville and Milner, 1957 New York Times Obituary for H.M., an unforgettable amnesiac The LTP paper by Bliss and Lomo in J. Physiology, 1973 The Legacy of Donald Hebb The BCM rule, 1982
Electrophysiology, neuroscience & related
Axon guide for electrophysiology and biophysics Synapse web Allen brain atlas NeuroMorpho: Database of digital neuronal reconstructions Ion Channel Genealogy NEURON simulation environment ModelDB: Database of computational neuronal models
Journals related to the course
Nature Nature Neuroscience Journal of Neurophysiology Neuron Nature Reviews Neuroscience Journal of Neuroscience Science Annual Review of Neuroscience Journal of Computational Neuroscience Hippocampus Trends in Neurosciences Journal of Physiology Nature Methods Journal of General Physiology Current Opinion in Neurobiology Cell Physiological Reviews Annual Review of Physiology PNAS PLoS Biology Biophysical Journal
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Grant writing and other general advice
The art of grantsmanship at HFSP Grantsmanship guidance note on the India Alliance Website Ten simple rules for getting grants Ten simple rules for making good oral presentations Ten simple rules for graduate students Ten simple rules for doing your best research Ten simple rules for building and maintaining a scientific reputation Ten simple rules for developing good reading habits during graduate school and beyond Ten simple rules for scientists: Improving your writing productivity You and your research: Richard Hamming
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