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1. Transcriptomic profiling of the medicinal plant clitoria ternatea: Identification of potential genes in cyclotide biosynthesis.
  V.K.Neha, V.Radhika, P.Balaram and R.Sowdhamini, Scientific Reports,10(1),12658(2020).
2. Mechanistic Insights into an unusual side-chain-mediated N-Cα bond cleavage under collision-induced dissociation
  conditions in the disulfide-containing peptide conopressin.Sanjeevkumar, M.A.Venkatesha, Sahil Lall, P.Sunita, P.Balaram,
  J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.31(5),1083-1092(2020).
3. Cone snail analogs of the pituitary hormones oxytocin/vasopressin and their carrier protein neurophysin. Proteomic and
  transcriptomic identification of conopressins and conophysins.SanjeevKumar, M.Vijayasarathy, M.A.Venkatesha,
  P.Sunita and P.Balaram,BBA- Proteins and Proteomics,1868(5),140391(2020).
1. Pregabalin peptides: Conformational comparison of γ3-and γ4-substituted γ-amino acids in aγaaa pentapeptides,
  K.Basuroy, K.Kantharaju, S.Aravinda, N.Shamala and P.Balaram, Amino Acids,51,1297-1306(2019).
2. Cone snail prolyl-4-hydroxylase α-subunit sequences derived from transcriptomic data and mass spectrometric
  analysis of variable proline hydroxylation in c.amadis venom,M.Vijayasarathy and P.Balaram,
  Journal of Proteomics,194,37-48(2019).
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