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Title of the book Author(s) Code Accession number
Understanding Dbase III Alan SimpsonMBU C96144541
Understanding Dbase III Alan SimpsonMBU C96144541
Understanding DNA The molecule and how its works C R Calladine and H R DrewMBU D128152840
Unix for users Criss Miller etcMBU C109145254
Unusual DNA Structures Wells R D Harvey S CMBU I55139695
Use of X ray diffraction in the study of proteins and nucleicacid structure Holmesx K C and Blow D MMBU B574123
Using Assembly Language Allen L WyattMBU C98143033
Using PC Dos II Edn Chris DevoneyMBU C83136310
Using Unix System V Release 3 Geoffrey T LeblondMBU C103146503